Scholarships and Fellowships:
• 1) Institute for International Education/Scholar Rescue Fond (IIE/SRF), 2017, the Visiting researcher at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA, October
2, 2017- April 2 2018; https://www.ias.edu/scholars/gubad-ibadoghlu
• 2) Fulbright Scholar, the visiting professor at Duke University, Durham, USA, September 2015- March 2016; https://www.cies.org/grantee/gubad-ibadoghlu
• 3) Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Program, NED, Washington DC, USA, March- August 2015 http://www.ned.org/fellows/dr-gubad-ibadoghlu/
• 4) Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), ACCELS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA, December 2008 - May 2015
• 5) Institute for International Education/Scholar Rescue Fond (IIE/SRF), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, January - June 2005.
• 6) Black Sea Fellowship Program awarded by OSI East - East: Partnership beyond Borders Program with cooperation Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law,
Sofia, Bulgaria, July- August 2009.
• 7) Civil Society Scholar Award by Open Society Fund, December 2018 – March 2019
• Prague Civil Society Centre’s Fellowship Program, June - August, 2018
• 9) Jozef Mianowski foundation for the promotion of science, Polish Academy of Science and Arts, Warsaw December 2000 - June 2001.